Topics discussed:
- 2023 Budget Overview
- Dues Status and Increasing Dues Considerations
- Fence Upkeep
- New Officers nominations
- Open feedback..
Neighborhood voted in favor to increase the HOA dues to $200 Annually. Starting in 2025. This will make the Net change be positive (in 2023 was negative) and have funds for additional projects (like Fence refurbishment).
3 Options presented to the Neighbors (Refurbish/Replace/Do nothing).
Neighborhood voted in favor to refurbish the fence (Option 1). This project has an estimated cost of ~$3,500. The project will be executed in 2024, only the external side will be repainted with at least 20 pickets replaced.
2024 HOA Officers:
The following officers were nominated and voted to be the current HOA Officers
- President: : Aaron Villarreal
- Vice-President: Ray Marino
- Secretary: Tiffany Carter
- Treasurer: Vicki Bogart
- Social: Rebeca / Tiffany / Jennifer
- Architectural: Tiffany / Ray
Future ideas/projects:
- Email: Share if there are any neighborhood babysitters or Caregivers for elders available
- Email: Who wants to participate in a garden club? (Jennifer lead)
- Email: Summer pool / check for rates (Tiffany lead)
- Social: Adult night
- Social: HOA pool day at Sewell Mill